Cubus records
Cubus records

cubus records

The final minutes are spent dividing tones, and otherwise relegating horns in space, blurting like birds and/or other small animals. Connecting the dots are minimal drags, almost like moving furniture upon a carpeted surface, it’s quite textural and pleasing to the ear. And after a while this too peters out, to last breaths, which are very effective as this moves into a clean void. Cubus Death Records & Life Expectancy The average age of a Cubus family member is 67.2 years old according to our database of 17 people with the last name Cubus that have a birth and death date listed. The record for all its strange pockets is aptly contained by its improvised actions, sputtering onward. There is, however, a redeeming flux that operates a bit like a conveyor, constantly rotating, pushing forward. The pitch is like harnessing and re-channeling both the croaking of toads and the conjuring of cicada simultaneously.


Suddenly a screetch, like that of a subway train, gives this a pop of color, like a suspenseful movie gone marginally rogue. The deeper tones sort of wriggle just slightly in thin air. If there were music for brainwashing (and I’m sure there is, likely classified however), this is the closest I’ve heard in 2019. And at halfway through we are facing reverb that puts the ears and then the mind not into a contemplative space, but a blank one – not unlike a deer-in-headlights. When improvising solo all comes out of a person: Every detail of the sound.


2012/13 Artistic director of Szofa Budapst (supported by Pro Helvetia) 2018 Music Prize of the Canton of Bern.

cubus records

2006 Co-founder of the new music label «CUBUS RECORDS». The pneumatic effect also dematerializes, for what seems like a tone test of sorts. 2004 Founder and artistic director of »zoom in«, a festival for improvised music at Berne Minster. There’s something futuristic in this work, yet tight-lipped.


The title is loosely translated into “connection errors” and the comment on electronics in general is in full defiance via gurgling cacophony that burns itself out, leaving behind only these suction sounds (like those at a drive-thru teller) and some light soundwaves that accelerate and vanish. This record stands out in a field where there is far too much going on, instead taking the tact to entertain noise at its most elemental – and this broken jazz cum classically inclined cum industrial din arrives from many angles at nearly six minutes in. It’s reductive in these near erasures of the auditory sense, but it tends more towards the hopeful, like a tricky escape act resulting in the glow of a bloated wind instrument. The first few minutes, alone, includes gentles scraping sounds (like blown through a horn) and a dense silence. This singular thirty-eight minute work by Swiss electro-acoustic artists Tomas Korber & Konus Quartett is pure minimal indulgence (turn the volume up). Listeners note, you may listen to track excerpts at the link just above. “cubus are an accomplished recording unit whose exploratory impulse is sincere and unflinching, but their desire to push back the boundaries is informed by a notable sense of melody and a will to entertain.” (Jon B from peoplesound (remember that ?!), ages ago.Tomas Korber & Konus Quartett | Anschlussfehler


Starting off with experimentation with early tracking software on the Amiga and PC, their style has matured and technical ability developed as new techniques were discovered… Currently using a combination of a Sony Walkman, an electromagnet, Jeskola Buzz, Audiomulch, MSN messenger, Reaper, Ableton Live, a pair of scissors and a microwave oven, cubus produce a range of tracks from minimal ambience to hyperactive electronica. Comprising the unsigned duo of Peter Godfrey and Joe Kellam, Cubus (previously known as “Mancubus”) have spent the last decade creating Warp, Touch, Room40 and Raster Noton-influenced electronic music.

Cubus records